• Dedicated Cat Services

Are you looking for dedicated care for your cat in Wye? Our beautiful, Cat Clinic situated in the countryside village of Wye is the perfect place for our quiet and peaceful cat clinic. We are located 15 minutes from our Kingsnorth Hospital, our Cat Clinic will be open two days a week to offer appointments for all our feline friends only.

Services for your cat at our Cat Clinic in Wye

We can do more than vaccines at the cat clinic! Did you know we offer the following services? 

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  • complete health checks - a full clinical examination of your cat can include checking teeth, ears, eyes, abdominal palpation, heart, lungs and pulse, lymph nodes and more! 
  • checkups of unwell cats 
  • blood pressure measurement 
  • blood glucose monitoring 
  • blood tests - for example, haematology, biochemistry, infectious disease testing, thyroid hormone measurement (plus many more!) 
  • viral swabs for infectious diseases, e.g. herpes virus 
  • fine needle aspirates (basic biopsy) of skin masses 
  • urine analysis, including microscopy to determine urine concentration and look for the presence of urine crystals, infections, blood, protein and many more 
  • skin scrapes, hair plucks, and cytology of skin samples to identify parasites and the presence of bacterial and fungal infections 
  • behavioural consultations  
  • nail clipping 
  • weight checks  
  • post-operative checks 
  • microchipping and checking of chips 
  • assessing weight and body condition scores 
  • nurse clinics, including weight loss programmes 
  • advice and training on how to brush your cat’s teeth, clip their nails and more! 

And remember, all these are done within a quiet and calm cat-focussed environment to reduce stress as much as possible!

Book your cat's next appointment online!