Spring is on its way and along with the sunshine are some springtime garden hazards for your pets you should be aware of.*
- Azalea/Rhododendron: (Rhododendron spp) Highly poisonous to cats and dogs, even if just a few leaves are eaten.
- Daffodil: (Narcissus) All parts of the daffodil are harmful. Dogs sometimes eat the bulbs, but even a small bite can kill a small animal. Even drinking the water in which cut daffodils have stood is potentially hazardous.
- Geranium: (Pelargonium spp) All parts of geraniums are poisonous to both dogs and cats. Also present in summer.
- Hyacinth: (Hyacinthus orientalis) The bulbs are poisonous to both cats and dogs.
- Hydrangea: (Hydrangea) Bulbs are toxic to both cats and dogs as they contain cyanide. Also present in summer and autumn.
- Iris and gladioli: (Iridaceae) All parts of these are toxic, but the bulb is most dangerous as it contains a higher concentration of chemicals.
- Ragwort: (Senecio jacobaea) All parts of this plant are poisonous, and even small doses can be fatal to cats and dogs. Also present in summer and autumn.
- Rhubarb: (Rheum) Rhubarb leaves are poisonous to dogs and cats, whether they are cooked or raw. Also present in summer.
- Snowdrops: (Galanthus) While all the plant is toxic, usually the bulbs are most toxic to pets. Also present in winter.
- Tulip: (Tulipa) The bulbs are the most toxic, however all parts of the plant can be toxic in large quantities.
All year round plants which are hazardous
- Aloe Vera: Usually kept all year round as a houseplant, it’s not overly poisonous to pets but can cause diarrhoea if they consume too much.
- Cherry laurel: (Prunus laurocerasus) This hedging plant is often used in gardens and public parks. Be careful how you dispose of hedge cuttings as the most common cause of dogs being poisoned by the plant is from eating or chewing these leaves.
- Ivy: (Hedera) Dogs are more likely to eat ivy than cats and it can cause poisoning.
- Laburnum: (Cytisus alpinus) All parts of this plant are poisonous, but especially the seeds. Even chewing and spitting out laburnum bark or twigs can affect a dog.
- Oak: (Quercus pedunculata) Leaves can be harmful to pets if eaten.
- Lilies: (Lilium) All lilies, including Tiger, Easter, Stargazer and Arum, are potentially poisonous, especially to cats. Pets can be poisoned by eating or chewing the leaves, stems or flower heads. Even the pollen can be harmful, as cats may lick this off their fur after brushing against the flower head. Always make sure lilies in the house are kept in a place where your cat cannot access.
- Philodendron: (Philodendron and related species) All parts of this ornamental houseplant are poisonous. Commonly, pets might chew or eat the leaves, which can irritate the eyes and mouth causing excessive dribbling. Rarely, swelling due to the irritation can prevent breathing and be fatal.
- Potato: The leaves on potatoes can be toxic to cats and dogs. Raw, green or sprouting potatoes can also be harmful.
- Sago palm: (Cycas revolute) All parts of this plant are toxic to cats and dogs.
- Tomato: Leaves and unripe fruit on tomato plants are toxic to cats and dogs.
- Yew: (Taxus baccata and related species) Nearly all parts of the plant are harmful, including dried clippings. Ingesting a small amount of leaves can kill a dog.
*Information taken from PDSA Poisonous plants website article
Remember your rabbits! Although feeding greens and plants to your rabbit adds variety and interest to their diet it is important to remember that some plants can be very harmful if eaten, causing illness or in some cases death.
The following plants are poisonous to rabbits and should be avoided-
Carnation, Buttercup, Foxglove, Clematis, Deadly nightshade, Lobelia, Woody nightshade, Elder, Yew, Rhododendron, Privet, Geranium, Ivy, Lily of the Valley, Lupin and Iris.
This is not a comprehensive list and many more plants can be poisonous to our pets.