• Bronze Cat Friendly Clinic
At Cinque Ports we’re proud to be an accredited bronze level Cat Friendly Clinic and members of the ISFM (International Society of Feline Medicine)
We recognise that cats are unique creatures with specific needs and it’s important to us to demonstrate our commitment to the animals you entrust into our care. Working with International Cat Care (iCC), we have looked at how we can make Cinque Ports Lydd the best it can possibly be for our feline patients. 
Cats by their nature are sensitive to changes in their environment, and by understanding and accepting this we can recommend measures to make your cat’s journey to the vets, and their visit to Cinque Ports Lydd a less stressful experience than anticipated. 
In order to achieve our bronze Cat Friendly Clinic accreditation, we have had to meet carefully selected criteria as stipulated by iCC. We have demonstrated that we:
  • Understand the needs of cats and strive to make visits to the vet clinic cat friendly
  • Approach and handle cats gently and with care through ongoing staff education
  • Follow the ISFM Feline Friendly Handling and Nursing Care guidelines and have made the pledge to be ‘Scruff free’
  • Have invested in equipment to manage the specific care requirements of cats
  • Have an appointed Cat Advocate member of staff to implement and oversee our cat friendly clinic status
As a Bronze Standard Cat Friendly Clinic, we are trained to handle cats in a manner that minimises stress, fear and anxiety, as well as advising you on the best way to safely and comfortably transport your cat to Cinque Ports Lydd.
We have an in-house cat advocate Natasha Keep who is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have, and to provide information and advice on caring for your cat.
Our cat friendly facilities include: 
  • Raised areas to place your cat carrier on in the waiting room which will be away from areas where other animals may be waiting. Where possible, there will be a visual barrier
  • The use of feline pheromone diffusers to help calm and reassure cats
  • A quiet, well equipped consulting room suitable for cats to feel calm in
  • A range of equipment such as blood pressure monitors and cat specific weighing scales to provide a high level of care to our feline patients
  • A ward/affiliated clinic where cats can be hospitalised which has a visual barrier between the cat and other species. Here, your cat will be provided with comfortable, soft bedding and cat igloos or perch and hide boxes to allow your cat privacy during their stay
  • We/our affiliated clinic has facilities for surgery, dentistry, certain lab tests and diagnostic imaging are available to allow procedures to be performed to a high standard of care for feline patients

If you have any questions regarding the facilities and care we provide for your cats, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

In the meantime, you may find the leaflets below useful – click on the link to download.

What is a cat friendly clinic?

Bringing your cat to the clinic

Taking your cat home from the clinic