Going home
After a stay at the clinic, you may need to take special care of your cat when they get back home:
- If it has had an anaesthetic that day, your cat may
still be subdued and a little unsteady on its feet
- Cats may be nervous and disorientated – talk and stroke them gently, allowing them to initiate closer contact when they are ready
- Try to prevent your cat licking any wound or pulling at any stitches. If this happens, ask your vet about a soft collar your cat can wear temporarily
- Call the clinic if you have any concerns such as the wound looking red or swollen, a discharge, or if you feel that your cat is not recovering well
- Make sure any medications are given
- Pain can be difficult to recognise in cats but signs include loss of appetite, hiding or being withdrawn. Contact the clinic if you have any concerns.
- You may need to keep your cat indoors, for the first night or longer
- Provide a quiet, warm spot in the house for your cat to rest
Re-introduction to other cats at home
Your cat may have picked up unfamiliar scents while at the clinic, especially after an overnight stay or longer. These smells may make other cats at home anxious so it is best to re-introduce the cats gently:
- Make sure you are present to supervise when the cats are re-introduced;
Don’t overwhelm the returning cat with attention from people or pets;
- Allow your cat to pick up the smells of home before mixing with other cats
- If needed, keep cats separate for 1-2 days allowing gradual contact
- Wash any bedding you bring back to remove smells of the clinic
- Mix the cats’ scents - stroke each in turn - particularly around the head, and perhaps exchange their bedding
- Your cat’s favourite resting places can be sprayed with Feliway® (synthetic cat pheromone)
Feeding your cat
Following an operation, your cat may be reluctant to eat. To encourage them you can try:
- Warm the food to body temperature if using tinned/sachet food
- Offer very tasty foods, such as kitten foods
- The clinic may suggest a special diet to encourage eating and aid recovery
Provide small, frequent meals, and remove the bowl between feeds
- Try hand-feeding your cat if needed, and gently stroke your cat
- Smearing a tiny amount of food on a paw may start them eating;
- Use a shallow food bowl to avoid the cat’s whiskers touching the sides;
- Contact the clinic if your cat does not eat for more than a day or two
Remember if there is anything you are concerned about, just contact the clinic.
Cat Friendly Clinic is a programme from the International Society of Feline Medicine, the veterinary division of the charity International Cat Care (www.icatcare.org).
The programme is generously supported by: Purina in Europe