• Rabbit Neutering Post Operative Care

These instructions have been prepared to help you with your pet's recovery.

They will have had a general anaesthetic today and hair may have been clipped from one or more areas. The operation site, if present, will also have been clipped to enable us to prepare the site with maximum sterility.

Modern anaesthetics normally wear off within a few hours of a procedure, however you may notice that their eyes appear red or that they shun the light. They may also seem a little unsteady or drowsy. These effects can last for up to 48 hours.

We recommend keeping them warm and quiet overnight. If your rabbit usually lives outside it is advisable for them to stay indoors overnight for recovery. Following an anaesthetic it is important to ensure they are eating and toileting normally. If you have any concerns regarding this you should contact us immediately.

During the procedure your rabbit will have received a pain killer injection and/or an antibiotic injection where required. Further medication may have been prescribed to give at home but if you believe they are uncomfortable or have any questions regarding the medication, please contact us to discuss the situation.

It is extremely important that your rabbit does not lick or interfere with the surgical wound. This can cause an infection or their wound to break down. Please contact us if you are concerned. If a surgical wound is present, it is advisable to use newspaper bedding instead of sawdust or hay as these materials can aggravate the wound.

Following a neutering procedure, weight gain can be a common side effect. Your veterinary nurse will be able to advise on your rabbit's diet and the best way to prevent this.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions at your post operative appointment.

If you are at all concerned about your rabbit please contact us as soon as possible.