• Meet Solo

We would like to introduce Solo who we first saw at our Kingsnorth branch as an emergency out of hours, after being attacked by a couple of dogs whilst out for a walk. Solo was in shock, with multiple large, deep vertical wounds to her chest, exposing her tissue and ribs below. 

Solo also had puncture wounds over her neck and shoulders as well as a torn ear.

Our vet Jenny Murrell provided emergency treatment to stabilise Solo and administered strong pain relief to keep her as comfortable as possible while she recovered from the shock. The following day Solo underwent surgery to treat her wounds. We were very concerned because of the nature of the wounds, infection was a major worry. All the wounds were clipped, cleaned and flushed with saline to ensure they were as clean as possible. It soon became clear that the lacerations extended further down into her muscle and tissue. Drains were put in to allow drainage from the wounds and they were sutured.

We were concerned at this stage about the possibility of the wound breaking down due to the damage sustained. Solo was hospitalised for several days on a drip for supportive treatment, pain relief, antibiotics and dressing changes.

Solo was allowed home to recuperate and Jenny saw her regularly at our Wye surgery to change her dressings and check her wounds. Unfortunately over the next few days it became clear that the skin and tissue had begun to die off as we had feared due to the trauma.


Another operation was required to remove the dead skin and tissue and the wounds were sutured again. Solo again stayed in hospital so we could monitor her and she was allowed home a few days later. Jenny closely monitored her healing and we were all very encouraged with the results.

Throughout her stay at Kingsnorth, Solo was a lovely natured and brave dog who was a joy to look after. As you can see from the photos we are very pleased to say she has made a full recovery thanks to Jenny, the team and the dedication and care of her owners who did a brilliant job of looking after her during her recovery.