Here are our twelve festive tips designed to keep your pets safe this Christmas:
Some festive human food is poisonous to our pets. Please do not feed them chocolate, raisins, mince pies, Christmas cake or macadamia nuts. There are many other foods which are also poisonous so if in doubt please stick to pet food!
- Make sure your tree is well anchored to avoid your inquisitive pet knocking it over. Also make sure any dropped needles are cleared up as these can get stuck in paws or throats if eaten.
- Make sure decorations are well out of your pets reach. Glass baubles can shatter in their mouths and tinsel can become stuck in intestines if eaten.
- Make sure your pet has somewhere quiet away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas that they can retreat to if they wish to.
- Be aware that antifreeze is extremely poisonous to our pets. Make sure any spills are mopped up and be vigilant for signs of poisoning which include vomiting and seizures.
Some Christmas plants such as Poinsettia, Holly, Mistletoe, Amaryllis and Lilies are highly toxic and can be fatal. Keep them well out of the reach of pets.
- Do not give your pet cooked bones. They can splinter or get lodged in your pet’s throat, fracture teeth or cause serious internal damage if swallowed.
- Presents are not only tempting for us but also for our pets. Take care not to put any edible presents, for example chocolate, under the tree. Pets will often investigate new and unusual objects using their mouths and ribbons and bows can cause problems if chewed or swallowed. Remove wrapping paper and small toys from the floor.
- Remember to try and keep your pet’s daily routine the same even with all the excitement of Christmas!
- Fireworks can cause distress to our pets during the Christmas and New Year period. Remember to walk your dog during daylight hours and make sure you close the curtains and put the TV or radio on to muffle the noise when it gets dark.
Don’t forget your small furries! Regularly ensure that their hutches are warm and dry and in a sheltered position. Give them fresh food and water every day and check their water supply to make sure it has not become frozen.
- Finally make a note of our details in case you need us in an emergency!