• When the chips are down....

Have you ever wondered how you would cope if your pet went missing?  A microchip could be the answer for reuniting both you and your pet should the worst happen.

A tiny microchip (about the size of a grain of rice) is quickly and easily implanted under the skin, permanently identifying your pet.

Id chip email

We regularly have pets brought in to us who have either strayed or been injured in a road traffic accident with no way of being able to find out who their owner might be.  If these pets had been microchipped we would have been able to reunite them with their owner immediately.

A microchip will give you the peace of mind that if your pet does become lost they have a form of identification which means you will be reunited much faster and may avoid the possibility of your pet being kept in a shelter or even rehomed.

The chip contains a unique number which is read using a scanner.  This number is registered to the national 24 hour Petlog database.  Once the chip has been inserted we will log all of your details with Petlog via a registration form.  This means that the number will be linked to your home address and contact numbers were your pet ever to go missing.

It is extremely important that you keep your contact details up to date with the Petlog database.  If you move house or change your telephone number you must let them know in case they ever need to contact you if your pet goes missing.

From the 6th of April 2016, all dogs must be microchipped and registered to an approved database by the time they are 8 weeks old. For every dog that is currently not microchipped, you will have until 6th of April 2016 to get them microchipped and registered on an approved database.

If you would like any more information on the benefits of microchipping or to book an appointment please contact your local branch of Cinque Ports Vets.