• Cinque Ports Vets Christmas Opening Times

We sincerely hope you will not need to visit us over the festive period but just in case, here are our Christmas opening times. In the event of an emergency please telephone your local branch. We operate a full emergency service, 24 hours a day 365 days a year provided by our own veterinary team.

Thursday 24th December - 8.30am-2.00pm
Friday 25th December - Closed Emergency service only
Saturday 26th December - Closed Emergency service only
Sunday 27th December - Usual Sunday service applies
Monday 28th December - Closed Emergency service only
Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th December - Normal opening times
Thursday 31st December - 8.30am-5.00pm
Friday 1st January - Closed Emergency service only
Saturday 2nd January - Normal opening times