• Animal activities to keep your children occupied during the summer holidays

It can be a challenge keeping the kids occupied during the summer holidays, especially if you are opting for a staycation this year, so here are five ideas that may help you out!

Draw a picture

Get the crayons and paper out and encourage your little one to become a budding artist by drawing a picture of your pet or their favourite animal.

Take some photographs

Most mobile phones these days have a pretty good camera, so why not set a photo challenge? Perhaps it’s capturing photographs of butterflies, insects and birds in your garden, or trying to capture the perfect portrait of your pet. Promise to print the best results off for them to put into an album or frame – it will incentivise the children to really make the effort to capture that perfect shot.

Visit a farm

If you’re in the countryside you may see farm animals in fields locally, but city dwellers can often visit urban farms for their fix of the farmyard. Find out more about farming – what the farmer does, what the animals eat and how they’re cared for.

Write a story

Let their imagination run wild – ask them to write a story about your pet and the adventures they have when everyone is asleep. The more exciting, the better!

Make animal facemasks

Use some card as a base, draw an outline, then cut bits out and stick bits on. Paint tiger stripes or a cute pink doggy nose. Use some elastic or ribbon attached at the sides to fit small heads.