As the weather turns colder, rock salt is often used to help de-ice roads and paths.
Wash their paws
Unfortunately this can be toxic to our pets. Rock salt is a mixture of salt and grit which easily attaches to pets’ paws and is then licked off. It is very important to remember to wipe your pet’s feet and their fur on their tummy after they have been for a walk or spent time outside. Grit can also be abrasive and damage the skin on their paws.
Beware of antifreeze
Along with rock salt, antifreeze and de-icer is frequently used at this time year. This substance is especially sweet tasting to pets and they will happily ingest it if it is left lying around in containers or accidently leaks from a car. Only the smallest amount is required to cause poisoning which leads to acute kidney failure and in the majority of cases, death in a very short amount of time. Contact your vet immediately.
Don’t let your pets eat snow
Snow might be a novelty but hidden objects or chemicals might be in the snow! Snow can also cause stomach upsets and even hypothermia.
Try not to let your pets walk on ice
Dogs can easily slip and injure themselves on ice. Worse still they might fall into icy water under frozen lakes or canals.
Keep them warm
Older pets with arthritis will feel more discomfort in the cold so make sure they are kept as warm as possible especially when going outside. The smaller the pet, the more likely they are to suffer with the cold weather due to the increased skin surface area to volume ratio. Make sure your small furries are kept warm and provide extra bedding in their hutches. In the wild, rabbits especially would protect themselves by sheltering in their burrows. Check water bottles daily to ensure they don’t freeze.