Going home
After a stay at the clinic, you may need to take special care of your cat when they get back home:
Cat Advice
Cats are independent, territorial animals that need to be in control of their surroundings and are sensitive to different smells. These things can make visits to a vet clinic stressful.
The International Society for Feline Medicine (ISFM) is the veterinary division of
International Cat Care (www.icatcare.org), a charity dedicated to improving the health and welfare of cats worldwide.
You can do a lot to ensure that your cat's senior years are also golden ones. Your cat will be classed as senior from approximately 8-10 years old.
1. Feeding:
From weaning age we recommend feeding a complete and balanced good quality kitten food until your kitten is at least six months of age.
(kindly reproduced from Behaviour Problems in Small Animals by Jon Bowen&Sarah Heath)
Claw marking has the functions of:
House soiling and marking can begin for a number of reasons but, in some cases it continues purely because your cat can detect the smell of locations where it has previously marked or gone to the toilet.
House soiling is an extremely common problem and is unfortunately one of the most frequently used reasons for re-homing a cat to a rescue centre.
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