• Common allergies in pets (what to look out for)

Pets, just like humans, can suffer from allergies. Allergic reactions in pets are often caused by environmental factors, such as pollen or dust as well as certain foods or insect bites. As a pet owner, it's important to be aware of the common allergies in pets and the symptoms they may experience.

Read below to learn more about these common allergies and what to look out for!

Flea allergies

Flea allergies are one of the most common allergies in pets, especially in dogs and cats. When fleas bite your pet, their saliva can cause an allergic reaction. Symptoms of a flea allergy may include excessive scratching, biting or chewing of the skin, redness and inflammation of the skin, and hair loss. Flea and worm treatments are a core service we offer at Cinque Ports Vets.

Food allergies

Food allergies in pets can be caused by a variety of different ingredients, including beef, chicken, dairy and grains. Symptoms of a food allergy may include itching, hives, gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting or diarrhoea and chronic ear infections.

If your pet is showing any of these signs please contact us.

Environmental allergies

Environmental allergies in pets can be caused by a variety of factors, including pollen, dust, mould and certain plants. Symptoms of environmental allergies may include itching, redness and inflammation of the skin and respiratory issues such as coughing, sneezing and wheezing.

Contact allergies

Contact allergies in pets can be caused by coming into contact with certain materials or substances, such as carpet cleaners or grooming products. Symptoms of a contact allergy may include itching, redness and inflammation of the skin and in severe cases, blisters or lesions.

Inhalant allergies

Inhalant allergies in pets are caused by breathing in certain allergens, such as pollen, dust or mould spores. Symptoms of an inhalant allergy may include sneezing, coughing and respiratory issues such as wheezing or difficulty breathing.

Can my vet help relieve common pet allergies?

The simple answer is yes! Your local vet at Cinque Ports Vets can help with pet allergies. In fact, they are the primary healthcare providers for pets and are trained to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions, including allergies.

When you bring your pet to Cinque Ports Vets with symptoms of allergies, the vet will typically perform a physical examination to assess the extent of your pet's symptoms and to check for any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the allergies. They may also recommend diagnostic tests such as skin allergy testing or blood tests to help identify the allergen.

Once the allergen has been identified, your local vet can work with you to develop a treatment plan to help manage your pet's allergies. Treatment options may include medications such as antihistamines or corticosteroids to help reduce inflammation and itching, as well as topical treatments or dietary changes to address specific allergens.

In addition to providing treatment, your vet can also offer advice on ways to reduce your pet's exposure to allergens and help prevent future allergic reactions. This may include recommendations for changes to your pet's diet or environment, such as using hypoallergenic grooming products or investing in an air purifier for your home.

If your pet hasn’t seen the vet in a little while, an annual health check- is a great option to help your pet get back on track with their healthcare needs!

Contact Cinque Ports Vets today!

It's important to note that the symptoms of allergies in pets can vary depending on the individual animal and the severity of the allergy. If you suspect your pet may be suffering from an allergy, it's important to consult with your vet at Cinque Ports Vets. Your vet can perform diagnostic tests to identify the allergen and recommend a treatment plan to help manage your pet's symptoms and improve their quality of life. Don’t let your pet suffer - contact us today!

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