Main Menu
- Home
- Pet Health for Life
- Services
- Small Animal Services
- Nursing Services
- Keyhole Surgery
- Pet Laser Therapy & Acupuncture
- Pet Insurance
- Flea and Worm Treatment
- Microchipping
- Vaccinations
- Neutering
- Pet Dental Care
- Annual Health Check
- Veterinary Nurse Clinics
- Senior Pets
- Pet Healthcare Plan for Rabbits
- Dedicated Cat Services
- Cat Clinic Home Visits in Wye
- Why choose us
- Practice Standards
- Our Environmental Policy
- Cat Friendly - What does it mean?
- Consultations
- Procedures & Pricing
- Cat Advice
- Feeding Your Older Cat
- Applying Ear Drops To Your Cat
- Applying Eye Drops To Your Cat
- Introducing New Cats
- Cats - Improving The Outdoor Environment
- Feline House Soiling
- Cleaning Urine And Faeces Marks In The Home
- Cat Scratching
- Caring For Your Kitten
- Caring For Your Older Cat
- Senior Pet Questionnaire
- Senior Pet Behaviour Checklist
- Cat Friendly Clinic - What is a Cat Friendly Clinic?
- Cat Friendly Clinic - Bringing Your Cat To The Vets
- Cat Friendly Clinic - Taking Your Cat Back Home From The Vets
- Cat Friendly Clinic - Giving Tablets To Your Cat
- Cat Friendly Clinic - Giving Skin, Ear Or Eye Drops/Ointment
- Cat Friendly Clinic - Changing Your Cat's Food
- Cleaning Your Cat's Ears
- Dental Care
- Giving Your Cat A Tablet
- How To Care For Your Blind Cat
- Feeding Your Kitten
- Royal Canin - Deserving The Best
- Cat Worming - Roundworms and Tapeworms
- Hookworms, Whipworms and Heartworms
- Fleas And Flea Control
- What are ticks?
- Vaccinating Your Kitten
- Vaccinating Your Older Cat
- Vaccinating Your Cat
- Multicat Households - Keeping The Peace
- Diabetes in Cats
- How to eliminate fleas in cats
- How Much Stimulation Does Your Cat Need?
- Dog Advice
- Caring For Your Puppy
- Vaccination And Your Older Dog
- Choosing Your Puppy
- Feeding Your Puppy
- Toilet Training Your Puppy
- Vaccinating Your Puppy
- Dog Worming - Roundworms and Tapeworms
- Vaccinating Your Dog
- How To Care For Your Blind Dog
- Caring For Your Older Dog
- Cleaning Your Dog's Ears
- Applying Ear Drops To Your Dog
- Applying Eye Drops To Your Dog
- Separation Anxiety In Dogs
- Feeding Your Older Dog
- Do greyhounds have an increased risk of bleeding after dental procedures?
- Socialisation Guide
- Exploring the typical causes of ear issues in dogs
- Incontinence in older dogs
- Diabetes in Dogs
- Brachycephalic Dogs Health Advice
- Top care tips for dogs during the winter
- Cushing’s Disease in dogs: symptoms and treatment advice
- Top Tips for Training New Puppies: Pawsitive Reinforcement
- Rabbit Advice
- Vaccinating Your Rabbit
- Rabbits And Fireworks
- Rabbit Spay Advice
- Rabbit Neutering Post Operative Care
- Rabbit Housing
- Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease RHD2
- Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD)
- Rabbit Castration Advice
- Neutering Your Male Rabbit - Castration
- Neutering Your Female Rabbit - Spay
- Myxomatosis In Rabbits
- Gut Stasis In Rabbits
- Flystrike In Rabbits
- Feeding Your Rabbit
- E.Cuniculi (Encephalitozoon Cuniculi)
- Diarrhoea In Rabbits
- Dental Disease In Rabbits
- Caring For Your Rabbit
- Blocked Tear Ducts - Dacryocystitis
- Abscesses In Rabbits
- General Pet Advice
- Conditions
- Kennel Cough in dogs
- Lungworm (Angiostrongylus Vasorum)
- Pregnancy In Dogs
- Addison's Disease (Hypoadrenocorticism)
- Aural Haematoma
- Cushing's Syndrome (Hyperadrenocorticism)
- Dry Eye (Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca KCS)
- Hypothyroidism In Dogs
- Urinary Incontinence
- Vestibular Disease In Dogs
- Canine Mobility Questionnaire
- Arthritis (Osteoarthritis-OA)
- Feline Mobility Questionnaire
- Cognitive Dysfunction In Dogs And Cats
- Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) Disease
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Ear Infections
- Epilepsy
- False Pregnancy
- Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
- Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV)
- Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)
- Heatstroke in dogs
- Hyperthyroidism In Cats
- Hypocalcaemia
- Kidney Disease
- Feline Renal Function Questionnaire
- Pet Obesity and Weight Management
- Pancreatitis
- Pregnancy In Cats
- Pyometra
- Alabama Rot CRGV
- Hypoglycaemia in diabetic cats and dogs
- Body Condition Score For Dogs
- Ear Disease In Dogs
- Itch Scratch Cycle
- Body Condition Score For Cats
- Procedures
- Neutering Your Female Dog - Spay
- Neutering Your Male Dog - Castration
- Blood Testing
- Collecting A Urine Sample
- Electrocardiography (ECG)
- Endoscopy
- Microchipping
- Neutering Your Male Cat - Castration
- Neutering Your Female Cat - Spay
- Dog And Cat Neutering Post Operative Care
- Dog And Cat Pre Operative Spay Advice
- Dog And Cat Pre Operative Castration Advice
- Ultrasound
- What is Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)?
- Keyhole Surgery
- Pet Travel
- Saying Goodbye
- Additional Information
- Cat Advice
- Pet Help Advice
- Client care
- News
- Welcome to our Blog
- Wye Branch Opened
- Summer Horse Health Evening
- Introducing a new cat to existing pets
- How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?
- Vaccination Amnesty
- Remember, remember the 5th of November
- Don't forget your dogs this 'Movember'!
- November is Pet Diabetes Month
- Cinque Ports Vets Christmas Competition!
- Pet Insurance
- Petplan Veterinary Awards
- Charity Christmas Collection
- Cinque Ports Vets Christmas Vouchers
- PDSA Christmas Campaign
- Merry Christmas!
- Christmas Food Collection
- Cinque Ports Vets Winter Newsletter
- Pet Laser Therapy
- Rye Cat Rescue
- Vaccination Initiative March and April 2014
- Our Sport Relief Success!
- Ticked off
- Jasper's story
- Rabbiting on.....
- May is National Veterinary Nurse Awareness Month!
- Be Lungworm Aware
- How healthy is your pet's mouth?
- Missing Rusty Reunited
- National Microchipping Month
- Meet Jake
- Blue Cross Painting Competition
- Rare Breeds Centre Annual Family Dog Show
- Mabel Furneaux
- School Talk
- Wye Charity Ball
- Kennel Cough
- Our Summer Top Five Tips
- Meet Solo
- Don't Cook Your Dog
- Hyperthyroidism in cats
- Robbie French
- Macmillan Cancer Support Cake Sale
- October is Arthritis Awareness Month
- Keep your Paws off my Partner!
- The Big Snail Count
- Take A Tinkle For Pet Diabetes Month
- Thirsty Work!
- Petplan Veterinary Awards 2015
- Cinque Ports Vets Christmas Competition
- Christmas vouchers
- Petplan Veterinary Awards 2015
- Seasonal Survival Guide!
- Things your pets shouldn't be eating!
- The Miracle of Pet Companionship – pets help fight loneliness!
- Waistwatchers!
- Petplan Veterinary Awards Nominations
- The Battle of the Bulge!
- Pesky Parasites!
- Brian Talbot
- Wildlife visitors!
- Lungworm Update
- A Thorny Issue!
- Rabbit Awareness Week 9th-17th May 2015
- Dedicated to your pet's wellbeing
- When the chips are down....
- Cat friendly!
- Dry Eye Awareness: 1st July-31st August
- Hot Dogs
- Vacation or Staycation?
- Ashford Borough Council Poo Bags
- Hawkhurst Festival 1st August 2015
- Hebe's Puppies
- Kingsnorth Veterinary Centre - Macmillan Cake Sale Friday 2nd October
- Wye Veterinary Surgery - Summertime Snaps Competition Winners
- Pet Smile Month - FREE Dental Checks
- Fireworks - Help your pet cope
- Petplan Veterinary Awards - Nominations
- Thank you!
- Is your pet covered for the unexpected?
- What does the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme mean for you and your pets?
- Winter Worries!
- Meet Oscar!
- A 'Cheeky' Little Pup
- Christmas Opening Times
- Paws Up! Who has missed their pet’s booster vaccinations?
- Information for dog owners about Alabama Rot
- Rye Sport Relief Fun Dog Walk
- Paws Up! Who has missed their pet’s booster vaccinations?
- Time Is Running Out!
- Torn Apart By The Effects Of Lungworm
- Cinque Ports Vets Award!
- Primrose The Duck
- Would you like 5 weeks FREE Vetsure Pet Insurance?
- We would like to introduce some new members to our team at Cinque Ports Vets
- Rabbit Awareness Week 2016
- Daisy Harper
- Born To Be King!
- Cinque Ports Vets & Barretts Land Rover/Jaguar
- Wye Fun Dog Show at Wye Summer Fair - August 28th 2016
- September is Pet Smile Month at Cinque Ports Vets!
- Rusty Reunited After 3 Years!
- Seagull Rescue
- Fireworks - Keep them calm!
- November is Diabetes Month
- Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease
- Painting by Ellen Prebble
- Keeping The Peace
- Looking after our furry friends at Christmas
- Can you pinch an inch?
- Petplan Veterinary Awards Calling all Cinque Ports Vets pet owners!
- Royal Canin Special Offer Lifestage Diets
- Ear Disease
- Check their microchip!
- Barretts and Cinque Ports Vets Client Offer
- Please review us!
- Cat Chat - National Microchipping Month
- Hawkhurst Summer Festival
- Key-Hole Surgery - now available at our Rye branch
- Hank's Story - Can you help?
- Kingsnorth Have A Gold Medal!
- Remember, Remember the 5th of November!
- Senna Teagle's Adder Encounter
- What's on your pet's Christmas list this year?
- Cinque Ports Veterinary HOSPITAL -Kingsnorth!!
- Petplan Veterinary Awards
- Save A Sight Campaign
- Mobile Moggies!
- Happy Easter!
- Help us keep you informed
- Rabbit Awareness Week 2nd-10th June 2018
- Pet Allergy Week (PAW) is here!
- Summer Survival Guide
- Love Tenterden Loyalty Card Scheme
- Free Visits In Wye Weekdays
- Blue Cross
- Royal Canin Loyalty Reward Cards
- Chilham Castle International Horse Trials & Dog Show 28th & 29th July
- Travel Clinics
- September is Pet Smile Month
- Open Day - Kingsnorth - Saturday 13th October
- Cinque Ports Vets Autumn Newsletter
- Cat Friendly at Hawkhurst
- Cinque Ports Vets Winter Newsletter
- Pet Travel in the event of a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit
- Protecting Your Rabbit
- Cinque Ports Vets Spring Newsletter
- Cat Friendly at Tenterden
- Could your pet be affected by Kidney Disease?
- Keyhole at Rye
- Cinque Ports Vets Summer Newsletter
- Firework Season Offer
- Cinque Ports Vets Autumn Newsletter
- Petplan Veterinary Awards
- Local Animal Charity Christmas Food Collection
- Our Twelve Festive Tips To Keep Your Pets Safe This Christmas
- Christmas Opening Times
- Pet Anxiety Month
- The Importance Of Wee!
- Cinque Ports vets COVID-19 (coronavirus) update
- International day of happiness – how pets contribute to our Mental Wellbeing
- Spring Newsletter
- Cinque Ports Vets COVID-19 (coronavirus) 31 March update
- Cinque Ports Vets COVID-19 (coronavirus) 1 April update
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Hints & Tips For Your Feline Friend During Covid-19
- Cinque Ports COVID-19 (coronavirus) 9 April update
- Easter Opening Hours
- How to tackle ticks – during the warmer months
- Vets in Tenterden give tips and advice for new puppy owners
- Celebrate our amazing team with us this World Veterinary Day!
- Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month
- Local Dog Walking during the lockdown
- Vets in Lydd advice on how to protect your pet from the sun
- Deaf awareness week – The important role of dogs
- 75th VE Day Anniversary - Animals in War
- How owning a pet can be good for your mental health
- Erica Cobb – RVN – Veterinary Nurse
- Katherine Butler – RVN – Head Veterinary Nurse
- Preparing your pet for life after lockdown
- Looking after your pet rabbit in the current environment
- Diabetes Week - 8 to 14 June 2020
- Keeping your dog safe during car travel
- Caring for your cat - An owner’s guide
- Advice on helping injured wildlife in the summer
- Adopt a pet – save a life
- Vets in Wye warn about grass seed dangers to cats and dogs
- Camping with your dog
- Taking your dog out in public
- Going to the beach with your dog this summer?
- Animal activities to keep your children occupied during the summer holidays
- Barbecues and your pets – things to consider
- Seven interesting dog facts for you to ponder
- Pet travel to Europe from 1 January 2021
- Taking your cat to the vets.
- Heat awareness for animals in hutches in Kent
- Basic First Aid for Pets
- Senior pet focus
- Preparing your pets for firework season in Kent
- How to ensure your dog is a healthy weight
- World Heart Day - 29 September 2020
- Keeping your pet safe this autumn
- 5 benefits to joining our Pet Health Care Plan
- Walking your dog safely in autumn and winter
- Halloween awareness
- Holiday Season Opening Hours - 2020
- Exercising your pet in the house during colder months
- Road Safety Week
- Focus on Osteoarthritis in Dogs
- Antibiotic awareness week
- Senior Pets - Physiotherapy
- Cat Friendly Clinic - Accreditations
- January is National Walk Your Dog Month
- The importance of vaccinations
- Starting your puppy off right!
- Rabbit Dental Care
- Advice on grooming your cat or dog at home
- Pet passports no longer valid from 1 January 2021
- How do you show your pet affection?
- Rabbit space requirements
- Tortoise parasite prevention
- How to choose a scratching post for your cat
- Tick, flea, and worm prevention for dogs
- Easter opening hours
- Tick, flea, and worm prevention for cats
- Pet skin conditions
- How to teach your dog to walk with a lead
- Neutering puppies and kittens
- The importance of parasite prevention
- May and Spring Bank Holiday opening hours
- Keeping your dog safe whilst out and about this summer
- Vets in Wye advice on bacterial skin infections in dogs
- Vets in Lydd discuss ear mites in cats and dogs
- Hawkhurst Vets advice on guinea pig space requirements
- Vets in Rye discuss exercising your puppy and kitten
- Ashford vets report on grass seeds and freshly cut grass hazards
- August bank holiday opening hours
- Hawkhurst vets discuss kennel cough myths and facts
- Ashford vets discuss the importance of microchipping your pet
- We're all ears when it comes to your rabbit
- Calling all cats aged seven or above
- Cinque Ports Vets & Milbourn Equine receive bronze award for sustainability
- Tips for worry-free visits to Cinque Ports Vets
- Preparing your pet for when schools go back
- Have a worry-free experience when taking your cat to our practice
- August Bank Holiday
- Top tips to calm your anxious and stressed pet
- Autumn dangers in Kent
- How to prepare your dog ahead of fireworks in Kent
- How to prepare your cat ahead of fireworks in Kent
- Learn how to identify and reduce worry, anxiety and stress in your pet
- Preparing your pet for a change in season in Kent
- Mitral Valve Disease (MVD) in dogs
- Cardiomyopathy in cats
- Important information
- Christmas hazards
- December opening hours
- Better to check....
- Help us to keep antibiotics working…
- Importance of pet insurance
- Protect your pet against Kennel Cough
- The role of a veterinary surgeon in Ashford
- Spring hazards in Ashford
- Easter opening hours
- May bank holiday opening hours
- Jubilee weekend opening hours
- The role of a veterinary nurse in Ashford
- The role of a patient care assistant in Ashford
- The role of a client care team in Ashford
- How to help your itchy dog in Ashford
- Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month in Ashford
- Top 10 hazards to watch out for this summertime to protect your pets
- August Bank Holiday Hours
- Important Information - Price increase 2022
- Safeguarding Antibiotics
- Top tips for keeping your pet warm throughout the winter months
- Festive opening hours 2022
- Festive opening hours 2023
- The importance of microchipping your pet
- Nutritional advice for dogs and cats
- Tooth Brushing Guide for Small Animals
- Cat microchipping legislation is now confirmed
- Keep your pet safe and healthy whilst you’re Spring cleaning
- The weekend of chocolate and treats – keeping our pets safe
- Cinque Ports Easter opening hours
- Bank Holiday Opening Hours – May 2023
- Springtime Allergies in Pets: Symptoms and Treatments
- Everything You Need To Know About Walking Your Dog In The Rain
- Our Cat Clinic in Wye is opening on 20th July!
- Essential summer safety tips for keeping your pets healthy and happy
- 7 Behaviours to Look Out for in a New Puppy
- Lily poisoning: Protecting your pets from a hidden danger
- Are conkers poisonous to dogs?
- Is Corn on The Cob Safe for Dogs?
- Saltwater poisoning in dogs: Symptoms to look out for
- Important client updates
- Common allergies in pets (what to look out for)
- Alabama Rot Awareness
- Pet antibiotic resistance – how can we safeguard our future?
- Lydd temporary branch closure frequently asked questions
- The best products you need for your senior pet this Christmas
- Important Information
- What to consider before getting a new pet
- New Year Resolutions For Pet Owners
- Pet Medication: Our Top Tips for Getting Your Pet to Take Their Medicine
- Celebrating World Book Day 2024 with Cinque Ports Vets
- The Perils of Easter for Dogs: Chocolate Poisoning
- Separation Anxiety in Dogs: Signs & Methods for Pet Owners
- The top 12 most poisonous plants for pets
- Common allergies in dogs
- Introducing Pets to Children
- What’s Better for My Cat: Wet or Dry Food?
- Allergies in Cats
- Tips for walking your dog during summer
- Tips for clipping your pet's claws
- Kent Animal Hospital Earns Prestigious National Environmental Award
- Danger in the deep: Blue-green algae and dog poisoning
- Taking care of your senior pet
- Poisonous food for dogs: The dangers of Xylitol in everyday food
- How stress and anxiety can affect your pet's health
- Prepare Your Dog for a Smooth Journey When Travelling
- Safe Pet Ear Care: Follow Your Vet's Advice Before Cleaning Your Pet's Ears
- Are Christmas Trees Toxic to Dogs?
- Tips for Calming Your Anxious Dog or Cat
- Branch locator
- Careers
- Contact us